The path to becoming an award-winning architect in Sydney is not as easy as many of us may think. Although with hard work and determination, one can achieve this rewarding career. Becoming an architect is extremely rewarding. But it would be best if you did thorough research while trying to figure out whether an architect is what you want to pursue. If you think architectural jobs are for you, keep on pressing hard, but make the right decisions first. This career requires you to undergo many years’ specific career training and education before becoming a fully-fledged architect. With this kind of timeline before becoming an architect, you must be sure that architect is your thing.
Get a degree
The first step into the architectural field is to attain a degree. You must attain architectural designs as the first step and a worthwhile milestone in your steps towards becoming an architect. Many universities offer architectural designs you can pursue to earn yourself a bachelor’s degree in architect. However, rankings may vary, but the bottom line is, the relevant architectural bodies must accredit the school. Joining a non-accredited school may limit your chances of becoming a licensed architect in the future. Deciding a school to pursue your education should be informed by facts collected after thorough research on acquiring an architectural degree program, the relevant architectural bodies will recognise. Speak to professors and architectural graduates or current students for more insight and ideas.
Picking an architectural career requires a huge investment of time and money, so make sure before going full gear on this field ask yourself these questions:
Where do architectural students find work after graduating?
How many graduates are currently employed and what will be the trend of employment in ten years? Do the former architectural students currently employed feel they have received a return on investment?
Is an architectural degree a prerequisite?
If you have work experience, attending an architectural school is not a must. And if you think becoming an architect with a traditional school is a hoax, think about renowned architects who were self-taught.
Join the internship program
After completing your degree program, your next step is to land your first job as an intern. You must join an architectural firm as an intern for the next few years. It is possible to join the intern program while an undergraduate during the summer holidays too. It will help you not to come out of school with a blank resume. You are free to join part-time or full-time internship as you please. Depending on your financial obligations, you may decide whether to join part-time or full-time.
When searching for internship opportunities, you need to apply to many architectural firms because landing internship opportunities is not easy these days. First of all, create a lead list of firms you may be interested in joining. And then send out the application letters to each one of them. Wait for something to come up. You can use a spreadsheet to track responses from these firms.
Join architect experience program
After completing your internship successfully, it is time to join the AXP. It is a prerequisite for most firms to have joined AXP before they take you in for employment. After completing the program, you can register for architect registration exams to efficiently assess your experience and skills in the architectural field.
The Quinlan Group are award winning architects that you should aspire to be a member of.
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